出典 世界標準哲学研究
Source   Global standard philosophy research 

The 10th year of the language and analysis research from a soul 

The cause that philosophy is difficult 

The cause of the philosophy which cannot be dispelled with the head 

A cause with an ignorant Japanese philosopher 

Sat. February 9, 2002 "revival" "soul and encounter experience" "global standard philosophy" research and a start 

The Fri. January 14, 2011 "wisdom of language from God" "cause" write-in start with difficult philosophy 

Mon. June 2, 2014 "spiritual language" "wisdom of God" "discernment of God" "Providence of God" "Heaven's Vengeance of God" research, and updating 

If it is called philosophical research, that Socrates's philosophy is foundations will be the "truth" which everyone in the world accepts. 

However, it is philosophically ignorant that human beings study Socrates's philosophy, and Socrates's words cannot understand and interpret -- big -- I result 

Furthermore, philosophy which cannot be dispelled by any means if Socrates is ignorant for the "soul" revitalized to Socrates's "heart" according to the friend's death which had an encounter experience 

Although research is about 100 years shallowly, and research of the philosophy in Japan has many philosophers who criticize Socrates's philosophy, it is surprised? 

Socrates's philosophy does not make the body of philosophy, but it results Hajiyateki and that Socrates's words cannot be understanding and interpreting it as midwife-like. 

Although I had an encounter experience to the philosophical origin "soul" and entered soon in 10th, as a result of having studied and analyzed the language from a "soul", since the cause by which a Japanese philosopher cannot solve philosophy was ignorant to the "heart", I was sure that it is the cause that ignorance is big to the understanding method of the words of the "heart." 

As for the truth of the "heart" with ignorant human beings, in order that there may be no form, what cannot be completely solved with statistical psychology is actual. 

In Japan, in the independent administrative agency Institute of Physical and Chemical Research, I found a brain science research center as "the heart is existence to the head", and "intellect of the heart" is under research. 

However, however it may study the intellect of the heart which does not exist in the head, I cannot solve the reason, the sensitivity, understanding, and judgment of the "heart" which Immanuel Kant solved. 

The "heart" which is carrying out "it is exhaustive domination about flesh" and which is also the "life origin" sends a signal to the head in order to make flesh "a thought of the heart" act with blood. 

Socrates's pupil and Plato are the realities in which the expression of action and the face of man is just a thought of the "heart" although it has left "flesh is a prison of the heart", and language. 

In order to get to know "a thought of the heart" and to discern "people's mind", I can discern a partner's belly with the person's action, language, behavior, and expression. [ man ] 

If the "heart" exists in the head, Japan which makes a big mistake and only educates the head will bring up many egoists, and the "heart" of Japan will go to ruin and go. 

If the "heart" is ignorant to the understanding method of the words of the "heart" of taking in "language" by experience, I cannot understand and interpret Socrates's words. 

If ignorant in the existence of the "sensuous consciousness function" of the "heart" to take in and understand "language" which does not exist in the head, an understanding is forever impossible in philosophical language "idiom." 

Japan's philosophy research denies existence of a "soul", and if it is fabrication philosophy research ignorant for the "soul" which discusses ontology and realism with the head, it will conclude it. 

It is Socrates's philosophy which a foolish Japanese sophist philosopher with the head ignorant in the truth of all the "hearts" cannot dispel forever. 

If ignorant to the understanding / interpretation method of the language of the head and the heart, I cannot understand and interpret the language of the philosophy of a "soul" and the person experienced of an encounter, but, naturally an understanding of philosophy is impossible. 

I cannot understand and interpret the words of a "soul" and an encounter empirical philosophy person at a philosopher ignorant in the truth of the "heart", but what cannot be solved is philosophy forever. 

Philosophy which cannot be dispelled by any means if the "heart", and a corporal confrontation axis and the "heart" are ignorant in existence of the "sensuous consciousness function" of the "heart" to take in "language" by experience 

Philosophy is man's death, and after flesh disappears, the language of the guidance from a "soul" which revives to the "heart" and sends language is foundations.

I define global standard philosophy.   


Therefore, it is the philosophy which a fabrication philosopher full of ignorance to the "heart" ignorant to the understanding method of the words of the "heart" of Japan cannot dispel forever. 

With the head, they are inappreciative and the philosophy of the evil spirit which the incorrect-interpreted fabrication philosophy research distorts philosophy, and leads human beings to a misfortune about the words of a "soul" and an encounter empirical philosophy person. 

The fabrication philosopher of Japan which cannot understand and interpret philosophical "origin of a word", "love", and "wisdom" who is also the "sensitivity knowledge" which takes in "language" by experience by the "heart" 

"Love" is "love" of one mind and flesh, and is the "heart", and since I am ignorant in the "sensitivity knowledge" which I take in by experience, even if it explains by means of "language", an understanding and an interpretation cannot do. 

"The wisdom of the language from a soul" for "wisdom" to die, to revitalize it to the "heart" after flesh's disappearing therefore, and to send "language" is philosophical foundations. 

I am ignorant in the existence of a "soul" which is philosophical "origin", and it is an act of disloyalty to a "soul" to deny existence of a "soul" and to study fabrication philosophy. 

Fabrication philosophy research full of ignorance 


The truth of the "heart" full of ignorance 


A "life function" full of ignorance 

Philosophy which cannot be discussed and dispelled with the head 


Global standard "soul" research center 


Global standard "understanding of language" research center 


Global standard "Socrates" research center 


Global standard "heart" research center 


Global standard "difference between heart and the head" research center 


Global standard "life function" research center 


The 10th year of the language research and reference data from a soul 

Related data on the Internet 

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