Paul Vonnahme | 1999





A minute

Ray Tracing




Think different

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About this site

In the beginning there was this web place soon followed by a flurry of home pages. Now another pixel page slips into view. Like many others this has samples of 3d design a gallery of sorts. This is what keeps me busy and keeps me going so to speak. Take a look and drop me a line if you have similar intrest or a comment, nice ones only are read by me, I've automated the others to be swiftly obliterated after being received.

A minute

I don't really want to make this a minute, it seemed like a catchy title though. If you take a minute to read this though you probably wasted a minute you could have used while looking at these images. I know you're supposed to be working anyway and that you boss is probably near your desk and this looks a little more like work than if you're looking at the samples. On the other hand if you buy art than take a little longer and your boss will think you really are tenacious. So there now, that didn't take a minute now did it?

Why aren't there animations here? Initially there weren't, now there are. Just a few animated GIFs for the time being, they take speed. Keep checking though. I'll be adding more soon.



Ray Dream Studio 5

RayDream Studio 5 is the software I've used for these images. Basically it's a 3d software package that uses x,y,z, coordinates for placement and construction. You work with 3d primitives and build on them. Not much different than any other 3d package in that regard.

It does have higher end features including; texture mapping, spline editing and formula editing. The chess board image has a large number of texture maps although most of these images do as well. Some spline edits are include in that as well as extrusion in the Knight piece. The rest of the board pieces are lathed.









3d Samples

Greetings from Orion




Desktop Lamps

Submarine II


Dragon Ring

Parker Pens


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Paul Vonnahme | 1999

This site is not affiliated with Apple Computer. I use the Mac and want people to know they should as well. The Apple logo is a registered trademark of Apple Computer. My logo does not resemble theirs at all. I just like to think different, maybe you should too.