出典 世界標準哲学研究
Source   Global standard philosophy research 

GPR 人類が哲学の言葉を理解・解釈できない原因
GPR Cause by which human beings cannot understand and interpret philosophical language 

GPR 人類が哲学「熟語」を理解・解釈できない原因
GPR Cause by which human beings cannot understand and interpret philosophy "idiom" 

Sat. February 9, 2002 "revival" "soul and encounter experience" "global standard philosophy" research and a start 

A Thurs. September 16, 2010 "wisdom of language from God" "understanding and philosophy [ which cannot be interpreted ] idiom" write-in start 

Mon. June 2, 2014 "wisdom of God" "discernment of God" "creation of God" "Providence of God" "Heaven's Vengeance of God" research, and updating 


Philosophy full of ignorance 

Philosophy which cannot be understood and interpreted by any means with the head of man's flesh "idiom" 

Language of the philosophy of the truth which cannot be understood and interpreted by any means with the head

Words [ of Socrates ] - which cannot be understood and interpreted by any means at a philosopher without a soul and encounter experience "dialog section" (Plato)   

Language of the philosophy which cannot be understood and interpreted at a sophist "ignorant to the difference between the heart and the head" 

The "idiom" of the philosophy which I can be ignorant in the truth of the heart, and he cannot understand, and cannot be interpreted by any means 

The word of the philosophy which cannot be understood and interpreted by any means at a sophist ignorant on the confrontation axis of the heart and flesh 

The "idiom" of the philosophy ignorant to the function which the heart has "to take in language by experience" which cannot be understood and interpreted at a brain scientist 

Language of the philosophy ignorant in existence of the feeling consciousness function of the heart which cannot be understood and interpreted at a brain scientist 

Philosophy which the sophist who cannot understand by the ability to be ignorant and cannot interpret the five sexes of the heart, and a brain scientist cannot dispel "idiom" 

Language of the philosophy which cannot be understood and interpreted at a sophist ignorant to "the infinite world heart" which is the 5-dimensional world 

Language of the philosophy in which an understanding and an interpretation to a philosopher ignorant to "the world heart after death" and "the world heart of Nirvana" which are the 5-dimensional world are impossible 

Philosophy which philosophy is the "extrasensory perception phenomenon" which happened to the heart, and a sophist ignorant to the heart cannot dispel forever "idiom" 

Language of the philosophy which I can be more ignorant to "the feeling consciousness function of the heart" to excel far than to the head, and he cannot understand, and cannot be interpreted 

The "idiom" of the philosophy which cannot be understood and interpreted by any means by man's death at the sophist who denies "existence of the soul which me revitalize to the heart" 

The "it is denial about existence of a soul" sophist who sends "it is the wisdom of the language of guidance to the heart" by man's death even if flesh disappears -- the language of understanding impossible philosophy 

Philosophy which cannot be understood and interpreted by any means at the sophist who does the philosophical origin "it is denial about existence of a soul" "idiom" 

Foolish fabrication, camouflage, and fraud philosopher whom the language of the philosophical origin "soul and encounter experience person" cannot understand and interpret at all 

The end of a fraud philosopher without "reflecting also on ignorant consciousness" with one [ foolish ]



1、GPR 世界標準哲学「熟語」事典 GPR Global standard philosophy "Idiom"encyclopedia. 

2、GPR 人類が哲学に無知な原因 GPR A Cause with philosophically ignorant human beings.


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