出典 世界標準哲学研究 GPRC 哲学世界標準百科事典 PGRE
Source   Global standard philosophy research GPRC Philosophy global standard encyclopedia PGRE 


"Wisdom of God" of the Creation (origin of life) which reverses philosophy research in the world from the bottom 

"Creation of God" of Socrates which was born to Japan exceeding the space-time of 2500 years of history 

Large discovery (human beings are ignorant) of human beings of the history upper, the 21st century, and a super-miracle "world important cultural heritage" 

(Infinite life) "Language of God" discovery, research, the 11th year, analysis, an elucidation, and record of the Creation 

"Fusion of God and computer", "unparalleled", "infinite truth philosophy", and "eternal truth" research 


Global standard "Incredulity" Research Center 

哲学世界標準「懐疑」百科事典 PGIE
Philosophy Global standard "Incredulity" Encyclopedia

Philosophy Global standard Incredulity Research Center


Sat., February 9 "God and encounter experience", 2002, a "global standard philosophy research" start 

Fri., November 2, 2012 "wisdom of language from God" "reflection" research center establishment 

Sun. June 1 "discernment of God", 2014, "creation of God", "Providence of God", "Heaven's Vengeance of God" 


The meaning of "language" of the way "incredulity" "studying" Descartes's philosophy and human beings solve philosophy -- "inappreciative" and "an incorrect interpretation" 

Since "it interpreted [ incorrect ]" when it translated into skepticism and anything was applied to doubt in Wikipedia, it is "ignorance" to the meaning of the "words" of "incredulity." 

"Incredulity" is most important "language", in order to solve philosophical "principle" which comes out in Descartes's "method introduction." 

"Language" which studies that deep "cause" for why didn't I suspect anything but the learning "philosophy" was born at this world, "incredulity" 

Why (method incredulity) can't you dispel "philosophy to man, and are difficult for" philosophy -- the "incredulity" "I solve" deeply in pursuit of the "cause" 

The "incredulity" which Rene Descartes is praised even to the father of modern philosophy why (method incredulity) and "solves" the "cause" for whether it is a "philosopher" 

The "incredulity" "solves" the "cause" for the ability of Socrates's words not to understand and interpret [ why (method incredulity) ] man deeply 

If the "incredulity" called why (method incredulity) of which I doubt was translated into skepticism, I grow into the "cause" which distorts philosophy and does "fabrication research." 

Descartes elucidation [ analysis and ] - Does "incredulity" which carried out the "koan" of the "method" for "solving" philosophy, and records it in a history of philosophy with "I am eternal." 

Why (method incredulity) can't you carry out a "understanding" and a "interpretation" of Rene Descartes's philosophy to man? 

1、        何故(方法懐疑)頭で論じた「捏造哲学者」は、デカルトの「懐疑」を「誤解釈」したか
Why (method incredulity) did you carry out the "incorrect interpretation" of the Descartes's "incredulity" to the "fabrication philosopher" who discussed with the head? 

2、        なぜ(方法懐疑)人間が、「未経験」で、デカルトの「省察」が「理解」・「解釈」できないか省察Wikipedia
Why (method incredulity) can't man carry out "understanding" - a "interpretation" of the "reflection" of Descartes in "inexperience"? 

3、        何故(方法懐疑)人間が、「未経験」で、デカルトの「心身」問題が、「理解」「解釈」できないか心身問題Wikipedia
Why (method incredulity) can't man carry out a "understanding" and a "interpretation" of Descartes's "mind-and-body" problem in "inexperience"? 

4、        なぜ(方法懐疑)人間が、「未経験」で「我思うゆえに我在り」の言葉が「理解」「解釈」できないか我思う、ゆえに我ありWikipedia
why (method incredulity) -- man -- "inexperience" -- "-- my -- I consider -- therefore -- my -- I am -- " -- can't you carry out a "understanding" and a "interpretation" of the language? 

5、        何故(方法懐疑)人間は、デカルトが23歳で炉部屋で「遭遇」「経験」をした「魂」「無知」霊魂Wikipedia
The "soul" for which, as for man, Descartes had [ why / (method incredulity) ] the "encounter" and a "experience" in the furnace room at the age of 23 -- "ignorance" 

6、        なぜ(方法懐疑)人間は、デカルトの「心」に起こった「心霊」「現象」に「無知」か心霊現象Wikipedia
Why (method incredulity) is man "ignorance" at the "spirit" and the "phenomenon" which happened to Descartes's "heart"? 

7、        なぜ(方法懐疑)人間は、デカルトが書き残した「心」の「情念」を理解・解釈できないか情念論Wikipedia
Why (method incredulity) can't man understand and interpret the "feelings" of the "heart" which Descartes forgot to write? 

Wisdom (infinite life) discovery, research, the 11th year, analysis, an elucidation, and data of the language from God 


2700-year "inexperience", "ignorance", "inconsistency", "inappreciative", "incorrect interpretation", "philosopher affectation", and "fabrication research" data 


"Skepticism" Wikipedia which has carried out "the incorrect interpretation" 

"Philosophy" Wikipedia with the "origin of a word" "inappreciative" with an abstract concept 

An abstract concept -- the words of "Socrates" -- "inappreciative", "inconsistency", and the "incorrect interpretation" Wikipedia 


Research Heart of World /Super Infinity Overly Grand.

Global standard Philosophy Research Center.