出典 世界標準哲学研究 GPRC 哲学世界標準研究百科事典 PGRE 「リンク集」
Source   Global standard philosophy research GPRC Philosophy global standard research encyclopedia PGRE "Collection of links" 


Most important "proposition" for "the purpose of studying philosophical" is "proving" a "soul", a "encounter", and "experience." 

"Wisdom of God" of the Creation (philosophical origin) which reverses philosophy research in the world from the bottom 

"Creation of God" of Socrates which was born to Japan exceeding the space-time of the history for 2500 years 

Large discovery "world important cultural heritage" of human beings of the history upper, the 21st century, and a super-miracle, "infinity eternal truth philosophy" 

elucidation [ "language of God" (infinite life) discovery / research "12th year" analysis, and ] - (Human beings are ignorant) Record. 


好きに成ると愛の違い 世界標準哲学研究
When it changes liking, it is the difference in love.   Global standard philosophy research 

好きに成ると愛の違い 哲学世界標準研究百科事典
When it changes liking, it is the difference in love.   Philosophy global standard research encyclopedia 


Sat. February 9 "revival", 2002, "a soul and encounter experience", a "global standard philosophy research" start 

Fri. March 1 "the wisdom of the language from God", 2013 -- "-- if it changes liking -- a difference" elucidation and start of love 

Tue. June 3, 2014 "wisdom of God" "discernment of God" "analysis of God" "elucidation of God" research, and updating 


A why (method introduction) human being, "I analyze, solve and record [ changing liking and ] whether the difference in love can understand and interpret. 

why (method incredulity) -- man -- "the love which changes liking" -- "-- self-effacement -- I analyze, solve and record whether I can understand and interpret the difference in the love " 

I analyze, solve and record why (method incredulity) "love" of the "Tale of Genji" is the important culture in the world. [ of Japan ] 


Words of Murasakishikibu of the Tale of Genji 

the word of loving with changing liking is well alike -- I am very well alike. 

However, the "human love" which is a meaning which is completely different, and "love" have a different deep meaning like a "man" and a "woman." 

1、          好きになる恋
Love taking to it 

@  片思いの恋
Love of unrequited love 

A  ストーカーの恋
A stalker's love 

B  好かれる恋
Love liked 

C  思いが相手に通じない恋
Love by which a thought does not pass to a partner 

D  打算の恋
Love of calculation 

2、          無我愛
self-effacement -- love 

@  相思相愛の愛
Love of mutual love 

A  夫婦の愛
Husband and wife's love 

B  親子の愛
Parent and child's love 

C  兄弟愛
Brotherly love 

D  姉妹愛
Sisterly affection 

E  友情愛
Friendship love 

F  人間愛
Human love 

G  誠の愛
Sincere love 

H  一心同体の愛
Love of one mind and flesh 

I  可愛い
It is lovely. 

J  大切な人
An important person 

K  大事な人
An important person 

L  相手の気持ちに成れる愛
grow into a partner's feeling --

M  以心伝心の愛
Love of tacit understanding 

N  美味しい物を相手に、食べさせたい優しい心
The heart gentle to against a delicious thing to make it eat 

O  あばたもえくぼ、総てが美しく見えて来る愛
Love where love covers many infirmities and all look beautifully 

P  不潔感が消える愛
Love on which a dirty feeling disappears


The world and research of grand, infinity, and the heart



Global standard "philosophy" research center


Global standard "Buddhism" research center



Global standard "Gautama Buddha" research center
