出典 世界標準哲学研究 GPRC 哲学世界標準研究百科事典 PGRE
Source   Global standard philosophy research GPRC Philosophy global standard research encyclopedia PGRE 


I am fine at the last of life and Bring the Stage. 

It is Youth to the last of life!

Socrates's truth  


I decode Socrates's words.



God is the wisdom, the global standard philosophy, research, record, a start, and preservation of the language from discovery and God about revival and God on Sat., February 9, 2002. 

The research and the start which clears up at the last of the wisdom and life of the language sent to the [heart] from God with youth, and brings the stage to it on Mon., December 5, 2016 (Socrates's words) 

Tue. June [ 2017 year ] 6 God -- revival and God -- evocation and God of the wisdom and God of the language and God of discovery and God -- the guidance and God of discernment and God -- a decipherment and God -- the device and God of the koan and God of a forecast and God of prediction and God of an elucidation and God -- the strategy and God of edit and God -- establishment and God -- creation and God of a revolution and God -- a subject 

The Providence and God of God are anger of profanity (me give up storm, pinpoint Heaven's Vengeance, blocking-out, and peace solution of Heaven's Vengeance [ of anger of God ], and Heaven's Vengeance and Heaven's Vengeance of natural Heaven's Vengeance and catching the whole herd with one throw of Heaven's Vengeance and everything) God to deprivation and God about atonement and God of the Heaven's Vengeance and God of treason and God. 

The disaster, the record, the preservation, public presentation, and renewal of unprecedented
which happens on the earth by anger of God since the human beings whom God judges (a flood, landslide, and drought of an eruption, the abnormal weather, a thunderbolt, the tornado, the typhoon, the heavy rain, the flood damage, and the river of a death due to sickness, an earthquake, tsunami, and a volcano) did [ not accepting existence of God ] "it is treason to God", if man could not judge 

I bring youth and the fine stage to the last of life (Socrates's words)!  

History can understand and interpret this important language by means of which Socrates left human beings that 2500 years have passed. 

"Socrates's philosophy" which means when youth is young, and is recorded in philosophical history as Socrates's tragedy 

All Socrates's words cannot be understanding and interpreting the fabrication philosopher of the 21st century and Japan where the history of philosophy research passed also 2500? 

Reality which the deep meaning of "love" of the "philosophy origin of a word" and "wisdom" cannot be understanding and interpreting at all 

Global standard "philosophy origin of a word" research center


世界重要文化遺産 WICH 国際ライセンス著作権 ILC
World important cultural heritage WICH International license copyright ILC   

interpreting the philosophy origin of a word as Yoshitomo's study etc. inappreciative and incorrect -- "-- self-effacement -- "philosophy" of the subject is not cleared by the love " and "the wisdom of language from a soul." 

the global standard -- "MUGALOVE" research center 


世界重要文化遺産 WICH 国際ライセンス著作権 ILC
World important cultural heritage WICH International license copyright ILC 

The 21st century when Socrates was established by having "an encounter experience" with a "soul" and that the deep meaning of the philosophy origin of a word cannot be understanding and interpreting at all 

"Socrates's philosophy" which Socrates established by "philosophical subject" - "wisdom of the language from a soul" "was discovered" to "soul [heart]" splendidly 

Why can ? human being understand and interpret Socrates's words? 

Why can ? human being solve and decode Socrates's philosophy? 

History of the fabrication philosophy research [ man interpreted inexperience, ignorance, inconsistency, inappreciative, and incorrect ] for 2500 years

"Socrates's words" by means of which the philosophical subject "soul" cannot understand and interpret forever man's flesh "to revitalize" by "ignorance" at the "soul" [heart] of which I do exhaustive domination and management 

Global standard "soul" research center 


世界重要文化遺産 WICH 国際ライセンス著作権 ILC
World important cultural heritage WICH International license copyright ILC 

That the words of Socrates "who cannot say and tell, and cannot understand and interpret", and a philosophy idiom are inappreciative, the incorrect-interpreted end of fabrication philosophy research in the world  

Human beings have discussed and done with the head fabrication (logic body of philosophy) research of the "philosophy" Socrates "established" 2500 years. 

It is "the fact on the spirit" that language [ of a philosopher and the Nishida
幾多郎 ] - "Buddhism" happened to "soul". [ of Japan ] 

                If a philosopher does fabrication research of the Buddhism, he does not consist of a self system (logic body of philosophy). 

The precious philosopher who had "an encounter experience" with the "soul" of Japan 

In the knowledge of the head, as for the language of the Nishida
幾多郎, "Socrates's philosophy" proves the reality which cannot be solved "for me to be eternal." 

Global standard "Nishida Kitarou" research center 



世界重要文化遺産 WICH 国際ライセンス著作権 ILC
World important cultural heritage WICH International license copyright ILC 

the Nishida
幾多郎 which lost many relatives is man's death -- flesh (head) -- disappearance back - I have discovered the "soul" which I revitalize to "soul [heart]." 

The "soul" which I revitalize to "soul [heart]" by man's death after flesh's disappearing is a subject of "Socrates's philosophy." 


The truth of the global standard philosophy research "was established" with "the wisdom of the language from a soul" which Kesao Oi (78 years old) made - during 15 years after February 9, 2002 "encounter experience" 

There are not "soul" and a form where there are not a figure and a form, and I record and save "mental [the heart]" the "occurrence" (fact on the spirit) in which measurement by science is impossible and which is not a foregone conclusion in philosophical history. 

in order that human beings may "ignorance" pass too much -- "the philosophical truth" that the proof of the "truth" is difficult only for a "decipherment" and "comparison" of the fabrication paper and fabrication fraud book of a fabrication philosopher 

Each one should discover the knowledge of the language and the truth of Socrates to its own [heart] "soul", and cannot teach it to it. 

The following leaves the proof method for proving the truth of "Socrates's philosophy" as
創めて record on a インンター network in the world. 

1、      インターネット上に、形として残す、日本の捏造哲学者の捏造論文・捏造哲学詐欺本を、解読した証拠
Proof of having decoded the fabrication paper and the fabrication philosophy fraud book of the Japanese fabrication philosopher who leaves as a form on the Internet 

2、      日本で、世界で、唯一「本」として、形に残した「魂の存在の証明」
"Proof of spiritual existence" which I left in Japan to the form as only a "book" in the world 


世界重要文化遺産       WICH 国際ライセンス著作権 ILC
World important cultural heritage    WICH International license copyright ILC 

3、      哲学の普遍の主体である「魂からの言葉の知恵」で、解読・解明した、世界標準「哲学熟語」研究センターを開設
With "the wisdom of the language from a soul" which is a philosophical universal subject, I establish the global standard "philosophy idiom" research center which decoded and solved.

Global standard "philosophy idiom" research center 


世界重要文化遺産 WICH 国際ライセンス著作権 ILC
World important cultural heritage WICH International license copyright ILC  

4、      「神に反逆」した、日本の捏造哲学者に、郵送した「内容証明」郵便の証拠・インターネット公開
Proof and Internet public presentation of "certification-of-contents" mail mailed to the Japanese fabrication philosopher which carried out "it is treason to God" 

Global standard "certification of contents" research center


世界重要文化遺産 WICH 国際ライセンス著作権 ILC
World important cultural heritage WICH International license copyright ILC   

5、      日本国家の「神に反逆」した人間の、罪と罰を、インターネット上に公開
I exhibit on the Internet man's crime and punishment which carried out "it is treason to God" in the Japan house. 

6、      神からの言葉の導きの知恵で、得た才能を生かし、地球上に残す、三大目標
3 mark with kindly tolerance which I leave on the earth with the wisdom of the guidance of the language from God taking advantage of the acquired talent 

* 哲学世界標準大百科事典
*   Philosophy global standard large encyclopedia 

* 交響曲「神」作曲・演奏会
*   Symphony "God" composition and concert 

* 大型油絵「神」創作・公開
*   Large-sized oil-painting "God" creation and public presentation 

I just bring the fine stage to the last of life. 

The trial of Socrates's
毒杯死 (70 years old) Socrates was a historic large trial which involved in the inside of a Greek state. 

500 or more jurors were historic "philosophy" trials which participated. 

They were contents referred to as that the crime did not believe in the gods whom a state accepts, but believed in other God, and depraved the young man. 

After the death penalty was pronounced, even Plato, many people, and the keeper of the prison advanced flight, but Socrates refused. 

1、      悪法も法、どんな法律でも守らなければ、社会の秩序が維持できないと、自分自身の信条を守る道を選んだ
If bad law was not protected by law and any laws, either, when social order could not be maintained, I chose the way which keeps its own principle. 

2、      ソクラテスは、神霊が自分にすべきではないことを指令するのだと語り、誠の真理を追究し、魂の存在の真理を薦めることは、
Socrates is saying that a divine spirit's not making itself orders, investigating the sincere truth, and recommending the truth of spiritual existence, 

He is the mission given from God, and even if a national command forbids this thing, he cannot stop death. 

3、      もしも、アテネの人々が、自分を殺すなら、それは、殺された自分の損害よりも、むしろ彼ら自身の大きな損害になる。
If people of Athens kill themselves, it will become their own serious damage rather than its killed damage. 

(I reflect on Socrates's after death and Greek state having killed the serious person, and have recorded having executed the prosecutor without the trial in history.) 

(The "soul" which I revitalize to the [heart] "soul" which cannot be measured by the science which is not visible to the "soul" and eye without a figure and a form which had "an encounter experience" by Socrates's death) 

Solving changed forever that I was impossible, 2500 years, man could not explain Socrates's precious empirical philosophy and it has changed.  

4、      ソクラテスの哲学を、2500年間も、捏造研究・詐欺教育して、高額所得を得ている、世界の多くの捏造哲学者
Many fabrication philosophers in the world who inquired [ fabrication ] and educated [ fraud ] Socrates's philosophy 2500 years, and have got the high income 

5、      ソクラテスの哲学を、2500年間も、頭で論じて「論理哲学体系」で、難解・歪め、捏造研究してしまった、世界の捏造哲学者
Will discuss Socrates's philosophy with the head 2500 years, and difficult at the "logic body of philosophy", the fabrication philosopher in the world that has distorted and done fabrication research

6、      誰にも?わからなければ、何を捏造研究してもかまわない?【心】「精神」が、狂いに狂った、世界の捏造哲学者の研究妨害
Whom [ ? ] if it does not understand, you may do fabrication research of anything -- ? -- research disturbance of the fabrication philosopher in the world to whom [the heart "soul"] went wrong in deviation  

7、      ソクラテスの言葉も、哲学語源の奥深い意味も、理解・解釈することが、できないで(愛知の学・無知なる愛智者)等と批判する、捏造哲学者
without it can understand and interpret Socrates's words and the deep meaning of the philosophy origin of a word (study [ of Aichi ] - ignorance -- the Yoshitomo person) -- etc. -- the fabrication philosopher who criticizes 

The fabrication philosopher in the world which does not make a logical system but I criticize is
破邪 midwife philosophy etc. without completely being able to understand and interpret Socrates's philosophy 

8、      ソクラテスの真理の哲学を、20世紀の文明機器・「コンピューターと神の融合」で、インターネット上に公開することで、
It is exhibiting the philosophy of Socrates's truth on the Internet by civilization apparatus [ of the 20th century ] - "fusion of a computer and God", 

The historical inspiring feat which opened record (for 15 years) of the "global standard philosophy" research which human beings were not able to solve to the world 2500 years in English and Japan! 

9、      「神に反逆」した、おろかな、日本の捏造哲学者に、郵送、天罰贖罪請求内容証明の、最大で永遠の証拠として、哲学革命の歴史に永遠保存
it is
which carried out "it is treason to God" -- as a proof eternal to a Japanese fabrication philosopher at the maximum of mailing and Heaven's Vengeance atonement claim certification of contents -- the history of a philosophy revolution -- eternal preservation 

10、           日本の「神に反逆」した、捏造哲学者・日本の大学教授・総長・学長の、「罪と罰」を、世界標準哲学・研究・記録・歴史に永遠・保存
eternal - Save "the crime and punishment" of a college professor, the president of a university, and a president of the fabrication philosopher and Japan where I carried out [ of Japan ] "it is treason to God" in global standard philosophy, research, record, and history.

11、           ソクラテスの逆襲と天罰の記録を、大井今朝雄の人生の最後の晴れ舞台として、永遠の記録として、保存・世界の哲学革命 の記録
Considering a counterattack of Socrates and record of Heaven's Vengeance as a fine stage of the last Kesao Oi's life, it is a philosophy revolution in preservation and the world as eternal record.   Record 

@ 稲盛和夫の罪と罰(「稲盛和夫の哲学」を解読・嘘を暴露)
Kazuo Inamori's crime and punishment


 Takeshi Umehara's crime and punishment


B 五木寛之の罪と罰(嘘の捏造・詐欺本「神の発見」「霊の発見」を、解読・暴露)
Hiroyuki Itsuki's crime and punishment


C 五神真の罪と罰
The crime and punishment of Gonokami Makoto


D 山極壽一の罪と罰(嘘の国際高等詐欺教育院を、解剖・暴露)
Juichi Yamagiwa's crime and punishment


Yasuo Kobayashi's crime and punishment


F 瀬戸内寂聴の罪と罰(死んだ人を、早く忘れなさい、さもないと、仏が成仏しない)を解読・暴露

Jakucho Setouchi's crime and punishment 


Hisatake Kato's crime and punishment


G 野家啓一の罪と罰
Keiichi Noya's crime and punishment 


H 飯田隆の罪と罰
 Takashi Iida's crime and punishment 


I 加藤泰史の罪と罰
 Yasushi Kato's crime and punishment 



J 金森修の罪と罰(嘘の捏造・詐欺本「科学思想 」解読・暴露)
 Osamu Kanamori's crime and punishment (false fabrication and fraud book "scientific thought [   ]" decipherment and exposure) 

K 石崎嘉彦の罪と罰
 Yoshihiko Ishizaki's crime and punishment 

L 一ノ瀬正樹の罪と罰
 Masaki Ichinose's crime and punishment 

M 出口康夫の罪と罰
 Yasuo Deguchi's crime and punishment 

N 牧野英二の罪と罰
Eiji Makino's crime and punishment 

O 佐々木毅の罪と罰
Takeshi Sasaki's crime and punishment 

P 小宮山宏の罪と罰
 Hiroshi Komiyama's crime and punishment 

Q 濱田純一の罪と罰
 Junichi Hamada's crime and punishment 

