出典 世界標準哲学研究
Source   Global standard philosophy research 

Language and analysis research from a soul 

Phenomenology research and an ignorant ESP phenomenon 

Inconsistency of phenomenology research and ignorant ESP 

Sat. February 9, 2002 "revival" "God and encounter experience" "global standard philosophy" research and a start 

A as ignorant Tue. December 14, 2010 "wisdom of language from God" "ESP phenomenon" write-in start as phenomenology research 

Thurs. June 5, 2014 "spiritual language" "spiritual wisdom" "spiritual phenomenology" a "psychic phenomenon", research, and updating 

Human beings point out ignorant phenomenology research.   

Ignorant in philosophy and an ESP phenomenon 

Ignorant in existence of the philosophical origin "soul" 

Ignorant in the ESP phenomenon which happens to the "heart" 

Ignorant in the "truth" of the "heart" which a "soul" revives and sends language 

Ignorant in the ability to perform a future forecast, a history elucidation, and discernment, when an ESP phenomenon is experienced why (skepticism) 

Inconsistency of the phenomenology research which the phenomenology and human beings classified according to the philosophy research with difficult human beings considered intellectually, and reasoned 

ESP which should be aware of ignorance to ESP- "heart" which cannot be solved forever if ignorant in the truth of the "heart", and should do reflection research 

If the extrasensory perception phenomenon which happened to the "heart" is not studied -- eternal -- the philosophy which cannot be solved 

Philosophy which cannot be forever dispelled if analyze a philosopher's words which considered encounter experience as the "soul" and they are not studied 

The historical typical philosopher who there are not "soul" and encounter experience, and advocated and studied ignorant phenomenology and ontology 

1、ゲオルク・ウ゛ィルヘルム・フリードリヒ・ヘーゲル カントの批判哲学に刺激されて「精神現象学」を提唱
George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel   It is stimulated by Kant's critical philosophy and I advocate "phenomenology." 

2、エトムンド・フッサール 超越論的現象学
エトムンド Husserl   Transcendental phenomenology 
Martin Heidegger 
4、デイウ゛ィッド・ヒューム 無知な経験論・認識論・因果関係・人間本性論
David Hume   Ignorant empiricism, epistemology, causal relationship, and human true-character theory 

5、バールーフ・デ・スピノザ デカルト哲学の推論者・神は宇宙に内在する・「魂」と遭遇未体験
Bar roof
Spinoza   The reasoning person and God of the Descartes philosophy are - "soul" and encounter un-experiencing [ which is inherent in the universe ]. 
6、ヨハン・ゴットリーブ・フィヒテ カント哲学の継承人
Jovan Gottlieb Fichte   Succession people of a Kantianism 

Friedrich Schelling 

Henry Bergson 

Language and reference data from a soul 

矛盾だらけの捏造哲学研究 無知だらけの東大の捏造詐欺哲学教育
イデア論研究と無知な死後の世界「魂」の存在 形而上学研究と無知な哲学の起源「魂」の存在
存在論研究と無知な哲学の起源「魂」の存在 実在論研究と無限の世界「魂」の実在
解釈学研究と無知な「心」の真理の矛盾 解釈学研究と無知な「心」の言葉の理解方法
天命・東大の哲学研究権利を剥奪 天命・日本の哲学研究権利を剥奪
天命・日本の哲学研究権利を剥奪 天命・東大の哲学研究権利を剥奪

Related data on the Internet 

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