出典 世界標準哲学研究
Source   Global standard philosophy research 

Language and analysis research from a soul 

Existence of Idealism Research and Ignorant "Soul" 

The World of Idealism Research and Ignorant "Heart" 

Existence of Metaphysics Research and Ignorant "God" 

Sat. February 9, 2002 "revival" "God and encounter experience" "global standard philosophy" research and a start 

A Thurs. December 16, 2010 "wisdom of language from God" "idealism research and ignorant soul's existence" write-in start 

Wed. June 4, 2014 "spiritual language" "wisdom of God" "discernment of God" "Heaven's Vengeance of God" "power of God", and renewal of research 

I point out the ignorance of the human beings who have studied philosophy 2700 years, and inconsistency. 

The "wisdom" of the "language" from the "soul" revitalized to the "heart" by man's death with philosophy -- foundations 

The guidance of "spiritual" words which sends language to the "heart" after flesh's disappearing with philosophy -- foundations 

Philosophical research is research of the "heart" which the philosophical origin "soul" with ignorant human beings draws by means of language. 

Philosophical research is that human beings perceive the understanding method of the words of the "heart" with the wisdom of ignorant "spiritual" "words." 

Philosophical research is that the "soul" in which human beings are ignorant till the 21st century carries out "it being proof about existence of a soul". [ which I draw by means of language ]

The fabrication fraud philosopher with philosophy ignorant in existence of the origin "soul" who discusses Germany "idealism" with the head 

"Soul" in the world "heart" after death which discusses Plato's "idealism" with the head and where human beings' are ignorant existence philosophy 

"Global standard philosophy" which discusses Aristotle's "metaphysics" with the head and "God" with ignorant human beings draws by means of language

* 言って聞かせてわからない、「心」の言葉の理解方法に無知な、哲学の言葉と熟語
Philosophical language and idiom ignorant to the understanding method of the words of the "heart" which are not said, told and understood

 * 言って聞かせても、経験が無ければ、わからないソクラテスの言葉と問答法
Socrates's language and arguing method which are not known if inexperienced even if it says and tells 

* 文章で説明しても、「心」の「感覚的知覚」「感性」に無知で、理解できない哲学の言葉と熟語
The philosophical language and idiom which I am ignorant to the "sensuous consciousness" and "sensitivity" of the "heart", and cannot be understood to them even if a text explains 

* 「魂」の存在を信じないで、否定する、捏造哲学者には、永遠に理解・解釈できない哲学の言葉
Language of the philosophy which cannot be forever understood and interpreted at the fabrication philosopher who denies without believing existence of a "soul"

Language and reference data from a soul 
矛盾だらけの捏造哲学研究 無知だらけの東大捏造哲学研究
存在論研究と無知な「魂」の存在 実在論研究と無知な哲学の起源「魂」の存在
現象学研究と無知な心に起こるESP現象 現象学研究と無知な超感覚的知覚現象
解釈学研究と無知な「心」の真理 解釈学を研究して無知な「心」の言葉の理解方法
天命・東大の哲学研究権利を剥奪 天命・日本の哲学研究権利を剥奪
天命・日本の哲学研究権利を剥奪 天命・東大の哲学研究権利を剥奪

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