出典 世界標準哲学研究
Source   Global standard philosophy research 

Language and analysis research from a soul 

Inconsistency of Ontology Research and the Ignorant
Inconsistency of Realism Research and an Ignorant

Inconsistency ignorant to idealism research and "God" 

Sat. February 9, 2002 "revival" "soul and encounter experience" "global standard philosophy" research and a start 

A Thurs. December 16, 2010 "wisdom of language from God" "inconsistency of ontology research and the ignorant origin" write-in start 

Mon. June 2, 2014 "spiritual language" "discernment of God" "Providence of God" "Heaven's Vengeance of God" "creation of God", research, and updating 


Human beings point out ignorant ontology research.  

Philosophy is learning which infinite world - "soul" revives to the "heart", and sends language and which carries out "it is proof about existence of a soul." 

The language from the "soul" with which flesh sends "the wisdom of language" to disappearance back - "heart" according to man's death with philosophy -- foundations

* 人類は、哲学研究で、「存在論」を頭で論じて、哲学発祥の「起源」に無知すぎる大きな矛盾
The big inconsistency which human beings discuss ontology with the head by philosophy research, and is too ignorant to the "origin" of philosophy origin 

* 人類は、「ソクラテス」の哲学を研究・「実在論」を頭で論じて、哲学の起源「魂」の存在に無知な矛盾
Human beings discuss research and realism for Socrates's philosophy with the head, and are inconsistency ignorant in existence of the philosophical origin "soul." 

* 人類が、ソクラテスが遭遇体験をした、「魂」の存在を否定して、哲学を頭で論じて来た結末
The end which human beings retorted that the existence of a "soul" which Socrates made encounter experience was, and have argued with the head that philosophy is 

* 人類が、ソクラテスの弟子「プラトン」の忠実哲学を研究して、「対話編」のソクラテスの言葉を無理解な矛盾
Human beings study Socrates's pupil Plato's faithful philosophy, and it is inappreciative inconsistency about the words of Socrates "edited one by a dialog." 

* 人類が、プラトンの「イデア論」を研究し、頭で論じて、無限の世界である「神」を発見出来なかった矛盾
Inconsistency human beings studied the Plato's "Idealism", discussed with the head, and "was not able to discover" "God" which is the infinite world 

* 人類が、ソクラテスの孫弟子、「アリストテレス」「形而上学」を頭で論じて、「魂」の存在に無知な矛盾
Human beings discuss Socrates's pupil's pupil and Aristotle's metaphysics with the head, and are inconsistency ignorant in existence of a "soul." 

* 人類が、アリストテレスの「原因と結果」で、哲学という学問が存在する「結果」と「原因」の「魂」の存在に無知な矛盾
Inconsistency with human beings ignorant in the "result" and the existence of the "soul" of a "cause" in which learning called philosophy exists by Aristotle's "cause and effect" 

* 人類が、「ルネ・デカルト」が23歳(1619年)で遭遇経験をした、哲学の基礎「魂」の存在に無知な矛盾哲学
Inconsistency philosophy with human beings ignorant in existence of the philosophical foundation "soul" on which Rene Descartes had an encounter experience at the age of 23 (1619) 

* 人類は、「エマヌエル・スウェーデンボルグ」が57歳(1745年)遭遇体験をした「神の愛と知恵」「神」に無知な矛盾
Inconsistency with human beings ignorant for "the love of God, the wisdom", and the "soul" which Emmanuel Sweden Borg made 57 years-old (1745) encounter experience 

* 人類は、「イマヌエル・カント」が研究し無知を批判した、「心」(感性界)の「理性」・「感性」「悟性」「判断」に無知
Human beings are ignorant to "reason" - "sensitivity" which Immanuel Kant inquired and criticized ignorance, "understanding", and "judgment". [ of the "heart" (sensitivity community) ] 

* 人類は、「西田幾多郎」が多くの親族を亡くして、「純粋経験」をした「魂」の存在に無知で無視した、日本の捏造哲学者の矛盾
inconsistency of the Japanese fabrication philosopher whom the Nishida
幾多郎 lost many relatives, and human beings were ignorant in existence of the "soul" which carried out the "pure experience", and ignored 
* 人類は、「田邉元」が妻を亡くして人生の後半、「遭遇経験」をした「魂」からの言葉で解いた「死の哲学」に無知
Human beings are ignorant to "the philosophy of death" dispelled in the language from the "soul" which Hajime Tanabe lost the wife and had "an encounter experience" in the second half of life. 

Human beings are the philosophy in which an understanding, an interpretation, and an elucidation are impossible forever at the knowledge of the head. 

Human beings discuss with the head and it is [ ignorant in sensitivity knowledge ] the philosophy which cannot be solved absolutely.  

Human beings are ignorant to the "heart" without a form, and the "(measurement is possible in part) heart" which cannot be measured by science -- eternal -- the philosophy which cannot be solved 

Philosophy which can be ignorant and cannot dispel the reality in which human beings have a "sensuous consciousness" function in which I am ignorant to the "heart" and the "heart" does not exist in the head, by any means 

Philosophy which human beings are ignorant to the understanding method of the words of the "heart", and his "heart" is ignorant in existence of the function to take in language by experience, and they cannot dispel 

I am ignorant to the difference between the "heart" and the head, and human beings are [ ignorant in existence of confrontation axis / of the "heart" and flesh / - "feeling consciousness function" ] the philosophy which cannot be solved forever. 

"Global standard philosophy" research analyzed, studied and solved by the guidance of the language from a "soul", and about nine years after encounter experience (February 9, 2002) and a "soul" 

Language and reference data from a soul
イデア論研究と無知な「魂」の存在 観念論研究と無知な「魂」の実在 

矛盾だらけの捏造哲学研究 詐欺だらけの捏造哲学教育
現象学研究と無知な心に起こるESP現象 現象学研究と無知な超感覚的知覚現象
解釈学研究と無知な「心」の矛盾 解釈学を論じて無知な心の言葉の理解方法
天命・東大の哲学研究権利を剥奪 天命・日本の哲学研究権利を剥奪
天命・日本の哲学研究権利を剥奪 天命・東大の哲学研究権利を剥奪

Related data on the Internet 

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