Introduction of internal martial arts
First of all ,I tender my sincere compliments and express my heartiest thanks and appreciationh for your gracious, utmost and unfailing courtesy and benevolence.And again would you kindly permit us to write you to count on your special favour.
I have the honour of writing you in person to state that Internal martial arts(内家拳) was born in china about 1300years ago. Patriarch was Xu Xuan ping(許宣平仙人)who was a hermit. Heir of this martial arts was Zhang San feng(張三豊仙人)who invented 13styles of Tai qu(太極拳). The day of Song(宋の時代)Yue Fei(岳飛)who is one of famous general studied Internal martial arts and invested Xingyi(形意拳). About 200years ago Dong laofuzi Haichuan gong(董老夫子海川公)called on Mt Emei(蛾眉山).And he studied Bagua(八卦掌)from two hermits as one of Internal martial arts. Great master Zhang Zhao dong ( 張兆東師爺)was last student of Dong lao fuzi Haichuan gong.He also
Studied Xing yi.. My teacher Master Wang Shu jin was last student of Master Zhang Zhao dong. It is my particular honour to accept his special favour to educate.
If you would kindly be good enough to entertain my wish and see your way to understand my will, I should feel it a greatest honour and spare no effort to meet your high expectation.
With renewed thanks for your kindness,
I remain
Yours faithfully
Yizheng guoshuguan
Yoshikatsu Kohno