出典 世界標準哲学研究 GPRC 哲学世界標準百科事典 PGRE
Source   Global standard philosophy research GPRC Philosophy global standard encyclopedia PGRE 


"Wisdom of God" of the Creation (origin of life) which reverses philosophy research in the world from the bottom 

"Creation of God" of Socrates which was born to Japan exceeding the space-time of 2500 years of history 

Large discovery (human beings are ignorant) of human beings of the history upper, the 21st century, and a super-miracle "world important cultural heritage" 

(Infinite life) "Language of God" discovery, research, the 11th year, analysis, an elucidation, and record of the Creation 

"Fusion of God and computer", "unparalleled", "infinite truth philosophy", and "eternal truth" research 


Global standard "Judgment of God" Research Center 

哲学世界標準「神の裁き」百科事典 PGJE
Philosophy Global standard "Judgment of God" Encyclopedia 


Sat., February 9 "God and encounter experience", 2002, a "global standard philosophy research" start 

Thurs., November 1, 2012 "wisdom of language from God" "judgment of God" research center establishment 

Mon. June 2, 2014 "discernment of God" "Providence of God" "Heaven's Vengeance of God" "creation of God" research, and updating 


If man cannot judge and "God" judges -- until -- "God is anger" and "Providence" Japan's philosophy research -- the deprivation 2011, 2, and 3 

A block (prevention) of January 29 "creation of God", 2012 and "fabrication philosophy research" has sent "the language from God." 

I ask every representation "fabrication philosopher" of September 4, 2012 and Japan for "research" disturbance compensation for "infinite truth philosophy." 

I got to know the Greek tragedy, and got to know the sophist's wrong, and the more than people of about half one accepted Socrates's truth in Greece. 

Man -- a "vested rights" sake -- being such -- being also alike -- I will not worsen -- Socrates's words "isn't it shameful as man?" 

"Philosophy" Socrates had the "encounter" and a "experience" for the "soul", and "established" splendidly with "the wisdom of God" in no less than 2500 years of old history 

[ Discussed and did "be distorted" and "fabrication research" with the head all over the world, and "has educated" the Socrates's philosophy to man / "foolish" ] 

[ "I criticize" by
破邪 midwife philosophy and "ignorance" / "foolish" ], since a "understanding" and a "interpretation" of Socrates's words cannot be carried out in Japan 

The "heart" goes to ruin and Japan where "material civilization" developed is just a "
狂心" state of "No Longer Human", "philosopher disqualification", and "educator disqualification." 

"Heaven's Vengeance of God" which will happen to Japan from now on by "creation of God" of the Creation (philosophical origin) which reverses philosophy research in the world from the bottom 

"I prevent" completely "fabrication philosophy research" discussed with the head in the world, and I subjugate the "fabrication philosopher" in the world, and "I establish" "infinite truth philosophy." 

Again, "from now on, a "fabrication philosopher" will subjugate in the world" the "fabrication philosopher" on the earth thoroughly so that it may not appear. [ "eliminate" and ] 

Although it is in Buddhistic language, saying "I am employed efficiently", the reality in which have the body and he is efficiently employed in God by the human being who did "God is creation", and "it being treason to God" is found. 

According to the judgment of God, a "fabrication philosopher" will not be born on the earth by any means from now on -- as -- the "fabrication philosopher" in the world -- perfect -- "eradication" and "extermination"


Wisdom (infinite life) discovery, research, the 11th year, analysis, an elucidation, record, and data of the language from God 


2700-year "inexperience", "ignorance", "inconsistency", "inappreciative", "incorrect interpretation", "philosopher affectation", and "fabrication research" data 

I am ignorant and it is the "philosophy" Wikipedia of an abstract concept. 


Research Heart of World /Super Infinity Overly Grand.

Global standard Philosophy Research Center.