出典 世界標準哲学研究 GPRC 哲学世界標準研究百科事典 PGRE 「リンク集」「GPP挨拶」
Source   Global standard philosophy research   GPRC Philosophy global standard research encyclopedia   PGRE A "collection of links", "GPP greeting" 

"Wisdom of God" of the Creation which reverses philosophy research in the world from the bottom 

"Creation of God" which was born to Japan exceeding the space-time of the history for the 21st century and 2700 years 

The history-of-man upper and this century, the "world important cultural heritage" of the super-maximum 

Elucidation [ discovery, research, the 11th year, analysis, and ] - Record "the language of God" of the Creation.

This homepage is research, an elucidation, and record faithfully about "creation of God" philosophy for ten years.


ソクラテスの言葉・解読 GPRC・PGRE
Language and a decipherment of Socrates

ソクラテスから神の存在を証明 GPRC PGRE
 Prove Existence of God from Socrates. GPRC PGRE 

Sat. February 9 a "soul", 2002 and encounter experience / research start 

I decode, start and record the words of Sat. February 18 "God", 2012, and encounter experience 11 year "Socrates. 

Sat. May 31, 2014 research [ "language which God created" ], analysis, an elucidation, edit, record, and updating 

"Socrates's words" cannot understand and interpret man why (method skepticism)     

 Fabrication (incredulity) philosopher discusses "Socrates's philosophy" with criticism and the head why

The cause that I cannot understand Socrates's words 

1、          人類は、ソクラテスの哲学を、2500年間も研究して、天地創造の「神」を発見出来なかった
Human beings studied Socrates's philosophy 2500 years, and were not able to discover "God" of the Creation.

2、          いや!姿・形の無い「魂」と 遭遇経験哲学者の言葉を信じず、「人間の愚かな自我と利己主義」で「魂の存在を否定」してしまった
No, "soul" without ! figure and a form   I did not believe the encounter empirical philosophy person's words, but have carried out "it is denial about existence of a soul" by "man's foolish JIGA and egoism." 

3、          ソクラテスが現実に遭遇経験をした、哲学の起源「魂」(神)の存在に無知で、否定している現実
Reality which is ignorant in existence of the philosophical origin "soul" (God) which had an encounter experience actually as for Socrates, and has denied 

4、          天地創造の「神」が「復活」する、「無限の世界」「心の真理」に無知であること
Ignorant in "the infinite world" and "the truth of the heart" "God" of the Creation "revitalizes" 

5、          「心」と「肉体(頭)の対立軸」「心の感覚知覚機能」の存在に、無知で「感性知識」が理解・解釈できない事
He cannot understand by the ability to be ignorant in existence of the "heart", "a corporal (head) confrontation axis", and "the feeling consciousness function of the heart", and "sensitivity knowledge" cannot interpret. 

6、          「心が経験で言葉を感じ取り、理解する真理」に無知では、「神が心に送って来る言葉を理解・解釈不可能」
If ignorant in "the truth which the heart takes in language by experience and I understand", an understanding and an interpretation of the language which "God sends to the heart are impossible."

7、          更に、「魂と遭遇経験」が無い、捏造哲学者が、無知な「生命機能の真理」(有限の頭と、無限の心の違い)
Furthermore, "the truth of a life function" (difference between the limited head and the infinite heart) with an ignorant fabrication philosopher without "a soul and encounter experience" 

8、          その為に「無理解」「誤解釈」「哲学の語源」「問答法」「我思うゆえに我在り」「絶対矛盾自己同一」「二律背反」「方法懐疑論」
Therefore, inappreciative and incorrect interpretation - "philosophy origin of a word" and the "arguing method" -- "-- my -- I consider -- therefore -- my -- I am -- " -- "absolutely the same "antimony" in inconsistency self", and "method skepticism"    

9、          * ソクラテスの言葉を解読は、10年間・「神からの知恵」を記録して、研究した、経験の実績で解読
A decipherment decodes Socrates's words on the track record of experience which recorded - during ten years "wisdom from God", and was studied. 

10、             *「真理」(神の知恵)・無知(Wikipedia)無理解・誤解釈・捏造哲学(JST)「捏造研究・詐欺教育」を比較・公開
I compare and exhibit the "truth" (wisdom of God), ignorance (Wikipedia) inappreciative and incorrect interpretation / fabrication philosophy (JST) "fabrication research and fraud education."

 真理(神が創造した言葉)Creation of God




 ソクラテスの逆襲と天罰 (Socrates)


 ソクラテスの問い 岩田靖夫(東北大学)





 詐欺師 佐々木毅の本を解読






* 真理の哲学者の言葉から分類・解明・記録
I classify, solve and record from the words of the philosopher of the truth.

* 歴代哲学者の言葉と、捏造哲学者の「誤解釈」の言葉を比較・検証
I compare and verify all the past philosophers' words, and the words of a fabrication philosopher's "an incorrect interpretation."







 人は魂について何を知っているのか 魂の不死



















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































* 日本の広辞苑辞書と、百科事典と、真理(神の知恵)を比較・検証
I compare and verify the Japanese Kojien dictionary, an encyclopedia, and the truth (wisdom of God). 
* 日本語と世界各国の哲学者の言葉による比較と、分析 ・解明・記録
 Japanese, comparison by the words of the philosopher of every country in the world, and analysis  , an elucidation and record 



Socrates's history for research and ten years 

1、          ソクラテスの神を発見
I discover Socrates's God. 

2、          ソクラテスとルネ・デカルトの哲学
Socrates and Rene Descartes 

3、          ソクラテスの言葉を解読
I decode Socrates's words. 

4、          ソクラテスの世界
Socrates's world 

5、          ソクラテスの哲学
Socrates's philosophy 

6、          ソクラテスの遭遇経験「魂」
Encounter experience of Socrates "soul" 

7、          ソクラテスの遭遇経験「神」
Encounter experience of Socrates "God" 

8、          ソクラテスに反逆と結末
They are treason and an end to Socrates. 

9、          ソクラテスの逆襲と天罰
Socrates's counterattack and Heaven's Vengeance

10、   ソクラテスの逆襲と結末(神の創造)
Socrates's counterattack and end (creation of God)  

11、   ソクラテスとプラトン
Socrates and Plato

12、   ソクラテスの真実
Socrates's truth

13、   ソクラテスの哲学に無知な捏造哲学者
A fabrication philosopher ignorant to Socrates's philosophy

14、   ソクラテスの哲学を批判するソフィスト
The sophist who criticizes Socrates's philosophy

15、   東大が解けない、ソクラテスの哲学
Socrates's philosophy which the University of Tokyo cannot dispel 

16、   未経験の人間が解けない、ソクラテスの哲学
Socrates's philosophy which an inexperienced human being cannot dispel        


The world and research of grand, infinity, and the heart 

Global standard philosophy research center 

World philosophy revolution (creation of God) 

The truth of a life function (difference between the heart and the head) 

I snatch the philosophy research right of Providence and Japan (creation of God).