出典 世界標準哲学研究
Source   Global standard philosophy research 

Language and analysis research from a soul 

Fabrication Philosophy of the University of Tokyo which a Soul Reveals 

God is the Fraud Philosophy of the Elucidation University of Tokyo. 

Sat. February 9, 2002 "revival" "God and encounter experience" "global standard philosophy" research and a start 

A Thurs. December 23, 2010 "wisdom of language from God" "fabrication philosophy of the University of Tokyo which soul reveals" write-in start 

Tue. June 3, 2014 "spiritual language" "spiritual wisdom" "spiritual discernment" "spiritual Providence" "spiritual Heaven's Vengeance", research, and updating 

* 2006年1月18日・私は、魂の使命により東大に「内容証明郵便」を郵送
January 18, 2006 and I mail the University of Tokyo a content-certified mail by a spiritual mission. 

The University of Tokyo ignores this legal valuable content-certified mail, and there is still no reply. 

* 2007年12月15日・私は、日本哲学会・会員として入会を認証された
December 15, 2007 and I had admission attested as the Philosophical Association of Japan and a member. 

July 5, 2008 and the Philosophical Association of Japan reform agreement, and enacts the Philosophical Association of Japan copyright regulation. 

All the papers I announce in the Philosophical Association of Japan will start disturbance of the "truth", if copyright belongs to the Philosophical Association of Japan. 

Naturally, I sent the content-certified mail to the Philosophical Association of Japan, and gave up the paper announcement of the Philosophical Association of Japan. 

I challenged the paper announcement of November 15, 2008 and the Japanese Kant association admission, and a society. How does a title send [ "soul ] language?" 

However, my paper announcement did not have an auditor, I am the whole afternoon meeting and Yasuo Deguchi of Kyoto University and the other teacher announced realism. 

Hearing afternoon "realism" of the philosophy idiom enumeration paper, the Kant associate member discovers ignorance to the sensitivity philosophy which solved Kant's "heart." 

The Yasuo Deguchi teacher who questioned two teachers and "who is considered that the heart exists in the head" gets angry with me -- "-- being such -- thing - don't understand -"   

A teacher with whether ignorant I am studying the "reason" of the heart which Immanuel Kant solved splendidly, "sensitivity", "understanding", and "judgment", and the "heart" exists in the head 

I investigated later, and although it was having become clear, all the Japanese Kant association management got to know the reality which is the member of the Philosophical Association of Japan, and was surprised at the ignorant and foolish Kant research. 

Furthermore, the Philosophical Association of Japan registers the paper since the first meeting into the electronic archives of the independent corporation Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) as "philosophy." 

私は、「魂」の使命により、日本哲学会会長 「高山 守」氏の論文「哲学とはいかなる営みか」(日本哲学会編NO58)を解読した
I am the Philosophical Association of Japan chairman by a "spiritual" mission.   I decoded Mr. Mamoru Takayama's paper "what kind of business am I with philosophy?" (NO58 edited one by the Philosophical Association of Japan). 

I decode a sentence carefully and Mr. Mamoru Takayama concludes that ignorance, and a cause and an effect are the fabrication papers which have not replied to a title only by [ physical ] proving in existence of the philosophical origin "soul." 

And from JST electronic archives, I discovered the ignorant fabrication philosophy paper of the Philosophical Association of Japan successive generation chairman or a member in large quantities, printed it out, and hardened the proof of fabrication. 

Even if it offers that all the philosophy papers of the electronic archives of JST are the proof of fabrication philosophy research, and its own paper is [ whom ] right, with the wisdom of "spiritual" words, I can solve all and prove. 

The language of guidance which I have sent to my "heart" fulfilled the sensitivity knowledge of the "heart" of me, and the "soul" completely enabled the elucidation of the fabrication paper of the University of Tokyo or the Philosophical Association of Japan, while [ abbreviation and nine years ] it was long.

Language and reference data from a soul 

哲学研究妨害集団 日本哲学会
矛盾だらけの捏造哲学研究 無知だらけの日本の捏造詐欺哲学教育
存在論研究と無知な「魂」の存在 実在論研究と無知な「神」の存在
現象学研究と無知な心に起こるESP現象 現象学研究と無知な超感覚的知覚現象
天命・東大の哲学研究権利を剥奪 天命・日本の哲学研究権利を剥奪
天命・日本の哲学研究権利を剥奪 天命・東大の哲学研究権利を剥奪

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