出典 世界標準哲学研究
Source Global standard
philosophy research
Global standard "Philosophy" Encyclopedia
Sat. February 9, 2002 "revival" "God and encounter
experience" "global standard philosophy" research and a
A Sun. September 26, 2010 "wisdom of language from God"
"philosophy and encyclopedia" write-in start
research [ "creation of God" and ] - [ Tue. June 3 "language of
God", 2014, "the wisdom of God", "discernment of God",
"God being a decipherment", and ] Update.
* 世界独占特許・著作権・本発刊権入札開始
2700 years, human beings studied "philosophy" and were not able to
carry out the philosophical origin "it is discovery about a
By the self and egoism of the heart of man, I denied "soul without figure
and form existence proof", and have been blocked.
Philosophy ignorant in "infinite Shin Sekai's
truth" of Japan camouflaged, fabricated and concealed by foolish
In the 21st century and human beings, God will solve "global standard
philosophy" for "the philosophy which cannot be dispelled with the
head" with "the wisdom of the language which I send to the
I solve the philosophy which the 21st century and human beings will be ignorant
to the "heart", and cannot dispel to it as "global standard
philosophy" by "the wisdom of the language of God" which God
sends to the heart.
* 無限の魂と遭遇体験をした、世界の哲学者の「言葉」を奥深く理解・解釈する事によって解明
I solve by understanding and interpreting the "words" of the
philosopher in the world who considered encounter experience as the infinite
soul deep.
The learning called philosophy why (skepticism) solves deeply whether I was
born on the earth, and studies the origin.
* 魂と遭遇体験哲学者の弟子・孫弟子が解明した、「形而上学」や文献から「世界標準哲学」を解明する
I solve "global standard
philosophy" from "metaphysics" and literature which the pupil
and pupil's pupil of a soul and an encounter experience philosopher
* 頭で哲学を無理解・誤解釈した、ソフィストたちの言葉を解読・解明して「無知な捏造哲学」を解明
I decode and solve inappreciative and sophists' incorrect-interpreted words for
philosophy with the head, and solve "ignorant fabrication
* 哲学の起源と歴史
The philosophical origin and history
* 魂が復活する「心の真理」を解明
I solve the" truth of the heart" which a soul revitalizes.
Global standard "Heart" Encyclopedia 世界標準「心」百科事典
GPR 「心」 GPR "Heart."
Global standard
"Love" Encyclopedia. 世界標準「愛」百科事典
Global standard "Wisdom"
Encyclopedia. 世界標準「知恵」百科事典
GPR "Wisdom" GPR 「知恵」
Global standard "ESP"
Encyclopedia. 世界標準「ESP]百科事典
GPR "ESP" GPR 「心に起こるESP現象」(ExtraSensory
Perception Phenomenon)
* 五十音別哲学者名簿
The philosopher list of names classified by Japanese kana syllabary
Division of the philosopher who did "a soul and encounter experience"
in the world, and a philosopher "ignorant in existence of a soul"
I analyze it as a decipherment [ of "a soul and an encounter experience
philosopher" ] a "idiom" in the world.
* GPR ソクラテス GPR Socrates.
* GPR イエス・キリスト GPR Jesus Christ.
* GPR ルネ・デカルト GPR Rene Descartes.
* GPR エマヌエル・スウ゛ェーデンボリ GPR Emmanuel Swedenborg.
* GPR イマヌエル・カント GPR Immanuel Kant.
* GPR 西田幾多郎 GPR Nishida Kitarou.
* GPR 大井今朝雄 GPR Kesao Ooi
Related data on the Internet
* 日本で標準とされているフリー百科『ウィキペディヤ(Wikipedia)』
世界で「起源」に無知な哲学者 A
philosopher ignorant to the "Origin" in the world.
世界で「心」に無知な哲学者 A philosopher
ignorant to the "Heart" in the world.
* 日本の捏造哲学者名簿と無知な偽装論文と本 Japanese fabrication philosopher list of
names,ignorant camouflage paper,and book.
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