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  1. GeneReviews Incontinentia Pigmenti
  2. Aradhya S, Bardaro T, Galgoczy P, Yamagata T, Esposito T, Patlan H, Ciccodicola A, Munnich A, Kenwrick S, Platzer M, D’Urso M, Nelson DL. Multiple pathogenic and benign genomic rearrangements occur at a 35kb duplication involving the NEMO and LAGE2 gene. Hum Mol Genet. 2001 Oct 15;10(22):2557-67.
  3. Ardelean D, Pope E. Incontinentia pigmenti in boys: a series and review of the literature. Pediatr Dermatol. 2006 Nov-Dec;23(6):523-7.
  4. Courtois G. The NF-kappaB signaling pathway in human genetic diseases. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2005 Aug;62(15):1682-91.
  5. Courtois G, Smahi A. NF-kappaB-related genetic diseases. Cell Death Differ. 2006 May;13(5):843-51.
  6. Fusco F, Bardaro T, Fimiani G, Mercadante V, Miano MG, Falco G, Israel A, Courtois G, D’Urso M, Ursini MV. Molecular analysis of the genetic defect in a large cohort of IP patients and identification of novel NEMO mutations interfering with NF-kappaB activation. Hum Mol Genet. 2004 Aug 15;13(16):1763-73.
  7. Fusco F, Fimiani G, Tadini G, Michele D, Ursini MV. Clinical daiagnosis of incontinentia pigmenti in a cohort of male patients. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2007 Feb;56(2):264-7.
  8. Fusco F, Pescatore A, Bal E, Ghoul A, Paciolla M, Lioi MB, D’Urso M, Rabia SH, Bodemer C, Bonnefont JP, Munnich A, Miano MG, Smahi A, Ursini MV. Alterations of the IKBKG locus and diseases: an update and a report of 13 novel mutations. Hum Mutat. 2008 May;29(5):595-604.
  9. Fusco F, Paciolla M, Pescatore A, Lioi MB, Ayuso C, Faravelli F, Gentile M, Zollino M, D’Urso M, Miano MG, Ursini MV. Microdeletion/duplication at the Xq28 IP locus causes a de novo IKBKG/NEMO/IKKgamma exson4_10 deletion in families with incontinentia pigmenti. Hum Mutat. 2009 Sep;30(9):1284-91.
  10. Hennel SJ, Ekert PG, Volpe JJ, Inder TE. Insights into the pathogenesis of cerebral lesions in incontinentia pigmenti. Pediatr Neurol. 2003 Aug;29(2):148-50.
  11. Holmstrom G, Thoren K. Ocular manifestations of incontinentia pigmenti. Acta Ophthalmol Scand. 2000 Jun;78(3):348-53.
  12. Landy SJ, Donnai D. Incontinentia pigmenti (Bloch-Sulzberger syndrome). J Med Genet. 1993 Jan;30(1):53-9.
  13. Phan TA, Wargon O, Turner AM. Incontinentia pigmenti case series: clinical spectrum of incontinentia pigmenti in 53 female patients and their relatives. Clin Exp Dermatol. 2005 Sep;30(5):474-80.
  14. Rudolph D, Yeh WC, Wakeham A, Rudolph B, Nallainathan D, Potter J, Elia AJ, Mak TW. Severe liver degeneration and lack of NF-kappaB activation in NEMO/IKKgamma-deficient mice. Genes Dev. 2000 Apr 1;14(7):854-62.
  15. Scheuerle AE. Male cases of incontinentia pigmenti: case report and review. Am J Med Genet. 1998 May 18;77(3):201-18.
  16. Smahi A, Courtois G, Vabres, P. Yamaoka S, Heuertz S, Munnich A, Israel A, Heiss NS, Klauck SM, Kioschis P, Wiemann S, Poustka A, Esposito T, Bardaro T, Gianfrancesco F, Ciccodicola A, D’Urso M, Woffendin H, Jakins T, Donnai, D, Stewart H, Kenwrick SJ, Aradhya S, Yamagata T, Levy M, Lewis RA, Nelson DL. Genomic rearrangement in NEMO impairs NF-kappaB activation and is a cause of incontinentia pigmenti. The International Incontinentia Pigmenti (IP) Consortium. Nature. 2000 May 25;405(6785):466-72.
  17. Wong GA, Willoughby CE, Parslew R, Kaye SB. The importance of screening for sight-threatening retinopathy in incontinentia pigmenti. Pediatr Dermatol. 2004 May-Jun;21(3):242-5.
  18. 池田恒彦 太田 亨 硝子体手術のワンポイントアドバイス Bloch-Sulzberger症候群に対する硝子体手術(上級編) あたらしい眼科. 2008;25(10):1403.
  19. 遠藤智佳 嶋田理菜 石井かおり 榎本豊 清水邦彦 前田隆秀 色素失調症患児の口腔内管理の1例 日大口腔科学 2013;39:95-101.
  20. 上出良一 専門医にきく子どもの皮膚疾患 W.角化症・遺伝性皮膚疾患 色素失調症 小児科診療 2009;11(161):2085-2088.
  21.  清彰 北島博之 藤村正哲 日齢4に網膜剥離を認めたBloch-Sulzberger症候群の一例 大阪府立母子保健総合医療センター新生児科1997;10:264(478)(会議録)
  22. 中西元 色素失調症 −皮疹の形成,消褪機序−皮膚病診療 2014;36(3) 198-205.
  23. 増子晴美 神山諭 鈴木仁 1家系4世代にわたりみられたBloch-Sulzberger症候群の1例 小児科診療  2001;54(10);1901-04.
  24. 松村好克 島義雄 中島瑞恵 矢代健太郎 熊坂栄 早期診断により眼病変の進行を制御できた色素失調症の一例 日本周産期・新生児医学会雑誌 2010;46(1):98-101.
  25. 八木孝子 大西智之 大嶋隆 祖父江鎭雄 Bloch-Sulzberger症候群の1例 小児歯科学雑誌 1998;36(1):160-164.
  26. 八町祐宏 宮嵜敦 鷲沢一彦 Bloch-Sulzberger症候群の1男児例 長野赤十字病院医誌 2003;17:53-55.
  27. 分子細胞生物学  第6版 東京化学同人 Lodish H, Berk A, Kaiser CA, Krieger M, Scott MP, Bretscher A, Ploegh H, Matsudaira P. 633-634, 2012 28. 最新皮膚科学大系 玉置邦彦 2002;8: 48-51.
  28. Fusco F, Paciolla M, Conte MI, Pescatore A, Esposito E, Mirabelli P, Lioi MB, Ursini MV. Incontinentia pigmenti: report on data from 2000 to 2013. Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2014 Jun 24;9:93.






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